I have/do expect this to become a trend in the future. The use of robots to do as much work as they are able to do reliably. Sure, many of the tedious human jobs will become obsolete and unemployed but it's a fact of life. It's like China, North American jobs are all being lost to China's workers, but it's the only way for these companies to be able to compete amongst themselves. The next trend will be to use robots to replace labour. A sure way to find a job: Design robots!
I agree this can't be stopped and that it helps to keep up with the competition... but I'm afraid it's starting to really affect people who are only able to do these kinds of jobs, those that aren't fortunate enough to have a very good education. Soon having only a high school degree won't get you a job. And what about high school students? If robots can be cashiers, or make hamburgers, or clean dishes, then what kind of job will all those students be able to find? They would have to stick with babysitting, tutoring... anything with human interaction that robots can't "presently" replace. But there are only so many of those positions. Well, I hope this all works out in the end, because it's looking worse than before for the less fortunate.
I agree with you, but I personally think there's no stopping it. History has always shown that only those that have adapted to change constantly were able to evolve and keep up.
When Tesla showed the world for the first time that his Alternating Currents could be used for limitless possibilities he was asked "but won't that ruin the economy?" and he basically responded something along the lines of "You cannot ruin an already destroyed economy". Thats what he did... he literally transformed the economy to run on power and welcomed the industrial revolution.
All that being said as you can see my views of equality in the future are fairly pessimistic, even though i'm sure not all of us want that. Look at Globalization. People see it as a good thing that makes everyone interconnected. As much that may be the case to a certain extent, that view is tainted. Globalization only empowers those who already have the technology to keep up and compete and use whats available on the market... meaning the gap between those in the circle and those out of it is only widening.
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