Friday, January 30, 2009

Russian Tsar Hydrogen Bomb Explosion Video

Here is a video i came accross of a Russian Hyrdrogen Bomb. Now this is not the real thing (I can't imagine where they would be able to test this) but instead its a simulation. Still interesting to watch none-the-less. 

Now if i remember correctly, reflecting back to what i remember from my grade 9 history, the Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bombs of WWII were one of the early bombs so they were small compared to how destructive they were eventually able to make them. The better ones were something like 20 times as powerful as the ones detonated on Japan (again i'm ballparking the numbers but you get the idea). Now the interesting part was that eventually they designed the H-bomb (or the Hydrogen Bomb) which was several thousand magnitudes more powerful than any atomic bomb. So yeah... imagine the destructive power we are capable of today. 

During the Cold War we apparantly had enough nuclear warheads to blow up the world over 20 times over. I'll leave it with Einstein's famous quote: "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."

How to imagine the 10th Dimension

I found an unlikely video to see on 
It's a pretty short/simple video explaining how you could picture each dimension... I definetely learned something new!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Autonomous Robots Invade Retail Warehouses

I have/do expect this to become a trend in the future. The use of robots to do as much work as they are able to do reliably. Sure, many of the tedious human jobs will become obsolete and unemployed but it's a fact of life. It's like China, North American jobs are all being lost to China's workers, but it's the only way for these companies to be able to compete amongst themselves. The next trend will be to use robots to replace labour. A sure way to find a job: Design robots!

Electric Bandages

Heres another one of those inventions that you think to yourself, "why didn't i think of that before he did?!" :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Ramble on Alternative Energies

In response to Green Tech Could Get Economy High, With a Little Help From the Feds:
I think investing in green tech cannot lead you wrong. People seem to resist change almost naturally, but the fact of the matter is that our economies are always sliding in peril until a new innovative technology comes along. Somehow my intuition tells me that the next phase must deal with energy. Solving this would take care of so much. Primarily it would provide for more much needed homegrown jobs, it would lead us to a more environmentally friendly approach, but more importantly it would wean us away from oil. Besides, much more can come of this.

I find it ironic how we despise the way of life of these oil rich countries in the defense of democracy yet we feed them by sustaining our addiction to oil. Being reliant on them will only let them prosper. A little piece of history... In the 1970's when the price of oil went to record heights we finally realized how reliant we were on oil and Jimmy Carter vowed to solve the energy crisis. Now there are many reasons as to why that soon became a thing of the past but i find it "coincidental" how the price of oil soon drastically decreased after talk of the governments investing in alternative energies. It is at this time period that OPEC finally realized that keeping prices sky high would only give them short term profits, and hurt their long term profits if other technologies were to be developed. Honestly, why are our policies so harsh towards alternative energies? Why is it so inconvenient for me to put up a solar panel on my rooftop if i'm willing to do so?

Feds throw $30 million to NORTEL

It amazes me how a company that has done so well at one point can take a nose dive. Maybe the last CEO? It would make sense to me that with money you can make more money... assuming you don't mess up!

Flying car takes high road to Timbuktu

Yet another flying car in development. As great as all these flying cars are they will always be more expensive than cars and consume more energy. I'm loving the concept though for non-mainstream transportation. Too bad it runs on biofuel....